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Biden and Senate Butt Heads Over Reckless Response to COVID-19

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Biden and Senate Don't Agree COVID-19 Emergency Act
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Biden has scoffed at a Senate-passed bill to end the COVID-19 national emergency. He has called the Republican attempt a ‘reckless and costly mistake.’

Biden and Senate – National Emergencies Act

Therefore, the bill to then terminate the declaration under the National Emergencies Act passed the Senate 48-47. It will be with three Democrats and two Republicans absent from the vote.

Under President Trump, the national emergency was first enacted in March 2020.

Moreover, the White House would say that if the bill were to reach the president’s desk. Also, it said that a national emergency declaration is needing. That is was for ‘ensuring that necessary supplies are promptly available to respond to the virus and facilitating the delivery of health care.’ 

Absent From the Vote

Plus, absent on the Democrat side for the vote was Senator Dianne Feinstein. Feinstein is mourning the loss of her husband, Alex Padilla, who recently tested for COVID-19, and Mark Kelly.

The Republicans Jim Inhofe, who also recently contracted COVID-19. Also absent from voting was Richard Burr.

President Joe Biden has delivered a message of moving on from COVID-19. This was in Biden’s State of the Union which was addressing this week.

“In fact, we can end the shutdown of schools and businesses. Therefore, we have the tools we need. Indeed, it is time for Americans to get back to work and then fill our great downtowns again,’ said Biden.

“There are people who work from home they can feel safe to begin to return to the office. Moreover, we are doing that here in the federal government. Actually, the vast majority of federal workers are going to again work in person. Plus, our schools are open. In fact, we should keep it that way. it essential our kids need to be in school,’ said Biden.

‘Also, 75 percent of adult Americans are fully vaccinating and hospitalizations down by 77 percent. Plus, most Americans can remove their masks. Then return to work. Also, stay in the classroom and move forward safely,’ he said.

Last week, his comments came the Centers for Disease Control significantly eased masking recommendations to suggest that most of the country could safely enter public spaces without a mask. 

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